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The Top Rooms and Spaces Worth Renovating in Your House in 2021

If you’re like many other people out there, 2020 has been the year where you’ve spent more time at home than ever before. And with all those extra hours of time at home, you may have started to notice that there are areas in the house that could do with updating and renovating!

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While you may not be able to give your entire home an overhaul in 2021, there are some rooms and spaces that can be well worth the time and money to renovate.

Here we’ll take a look at the top rooms and spaces in your home to plan for a renovation project in 2021. Whether you want to just cross one off the list, or work your way through all of them, you can expect some great results.

The Kitchen

This is arguably the most popular room in your home to renovate. Think about how much time you spend in the kitchen preparing meals, cooking them, enjoying them with friends and family, and then cleaning up. It’s quite often that the kitchen acts as the hub of the house, and tends to be the room people congregate in and hang out. So, it makes perfect sense then, that you would want this room to function well, and look stylish and inviting.

For those who plan to renovate a kitchen, keep in mind that kitchen renovations can get pretty in-depth. There are a lot of factors to consider, including the materials, layout, how to maximise space, and of course, how to make it all work together and look modern. This is why so many people end up hiring a professional kitchen designer to take over the project.

Kitchen Capital is a professional design company that has been producing modern and functional kitchens in Perth for its portfolio of clients. You can start the process by requesting a consultation so they can take in specifics such as the size and layout of your kitchen, what your goals are, your budget, and any vision you currently have for the space. From there, they will create a customised design plan that they can integrate and deliver project management on.

And if you’re concerned about your return on investment when it comes to home renovations, a new kitchen is well-known to provide a very healthy return. In other words, it won’t be money wasted.

The Bathroom(s)

Another area that may be in your sights for renovations in 2021 is the bathroom(s) in your home. Typically, the biggest complaint homeowners have is a lack of storage space and light in the bathroom. Addressing these two concerns can help you to make wise renovation decisions.

With the bathrooms, you can choose to keep things simple and cost-effective by painting the room a new colour, changing out hardware, and installing a new light fixture, or you can do a full gut job where you rip everything out and start from scratch. If you are planning on taking this route, consider hiring something like one of these skip bins sydney to provide you with somewhere to throw all of your demolition trash that you won’t have to worry about removing yourself once the project is complete. If you’re looking to create the highly popular spa-like atmosphere in the bathroom, then a gut job may be the only viable option.

One thing to heavily factor into the design should be storage space. Even if that means you can only fit a small vanity in with some drawers or cupboard space, it is better than no storage at all. There are plenty of shelving systems that are specifically meant for bathrooms that can have a huge impact. When you have a spot for everything and you can clear the clutter off the counter, the room will automatically look bigger.

Just like with kitchen renovations, as long as the bathroom renovation has been done well and with thought and planning, it too can offer a healthy return on your investment.

The Master Bedroom

Then we have another popular room in the house for renovations, and that’s the bedroom. This one is a two-prong approach where people typically want to keep style and décor front and centre while creating a space that is soothing and comfortable. The bedroom is meant to be a retreat, a spot for relaxation, and should encourage a restful sleep.

One of the biggest obstacles in trying to create this retreat-like space is the amount of ‘stuff’ that accumulates in a bedroom. Whether there is a lack of storage space, the furniture is too large for the room, or it’s just not properly laid out, the end result can look like a real mish-mash of clutter and junk. A great place to start with a bedroom renovation is to declutter. From there you can get an idea of the space you’re working with and then plan out the design.

If you are planning to sell your home in the near future, be sure to pick neutral soft tones for the bedroom that won’t turn buyers off.

A Fresh New Home for 2021

So, as we get closer to 2021 and you work to finalise all your renovation plans, these are rooms you’ll likely want to consider tackling.

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Decorating ideas Shop the Room!

5 Key Differences Between Mobile Homes and Site-Built Homes

The exceedingly high cost of site-built residential construction has resulted in an affordability gap in the U.S. It may sound counterintuitive, but despite nearly 7 million single-family homes being built onsite in the last decade, an increased number of people rented apartments. And before the economy surged, the homeownership rate reportedly dropped by nearly 5 percent in 2016 alone.

By contrast, manufactured home sales have steadily increased and 2020 purchases are expected to outpace every year since the Great Recession. With site-built construction cost hovering above $150 per square foot and upwards of $300,00 for a property, everyday people are considering brand new manufactured homes at a fraction of the price. Working families who are considering a manufactured option may need to gather information in order to make an informed decision. These are five key differences between mobile homes and sit-built structures.

Photo By: Ideamobilehome

1. Foundations Can Differ A Great Deal

Starting this comparison from the bottom up, the way these different types of construction rest on the ground is usually different. Site-built structures generally begin by creating a concrete foundation. This may include an underground basement comprised of concrete walls, a shortened foundation made from walls with a crawl space between the structure and ground, or a solid slab. Foundations are one of the reasons that site-built structures incur higher costs.

By contrast, manufactured mobile homes are delivered in sections and installed on wide-ranging types of support. These may include pressure-treated wood, cinder blocks, or a concrete slab, similar to site-built products. But many manufactured home buyers select inexpensive foundation types. They then utilize decorative skirting to close the space between the bottom of the home and ground. This strategy leaves an easy-access crawlspace to make plumbing and electrical repairs when needed.

2. Purchase Possibilities Vastly Different

Homebuyers can choose between hiring a contractor to build a site-build model, select and existing real estate listing, or go the manufactured home route.

As mentioned previously, new construction can be very expensive. But beyond the high cost, new construction involves negotiating with general contractors, worries about poor workmanship from subcontractors, and delays. Existing properties tend to limit buyer options. It’s not uncommon for real estate listing buyers to have to effect renovations to correct the space in a way that suits their lifestyle or growing family.

By contrast, purchasing a manufactured home involves meeting with a customer care professional, discussing cost, space, and design wishes. Custom manufactured homes are often designed using computer-generated models that are altered to include the buyer’s desired amenities.

3. Why The Construction Process Matters

One of the driving reasons that manufactured home models are stunningly less expensive is because they are built in a controlled environment. These factory-built homes are staffed with skilled professionals who use quality materials.

It’s imperative that future homeowners understand that both sectors have access and leverage the same materials. The key construction difference is that controlled manufacturing minimizes mistakes and ensures experienced craftsmanship every time

4. Different Ways Of Making A Financial Investments

First-time site-built homebuyers find themselves overcoming a series of hurdles. Saving a down payment, calculating the monthly mortgage expense, taxes, insurance, and other costs. The process often involves arriving at an affordable figure. Those who take the site-built path find themselves paying a monthly premium that uses up a large portion of their earnings. Friends and relatives may tell you that you made a good investment because the value will increase. The housing market data over the past two decades shows that losses are also possible.

When working families invest their down payment into a manufactured home, it’s far less likely to eat up the bulk of your monthly earnings. Home costs are lower and, therefore, so is your mortgage. This frees up plenty of financial resources for leisure spending and investment. While site-built homeowners are working more to pay the mortgage, manufactured homeowners have an opportunity to engage in wealth management, such as 401(k), college funds, or other investments.

5. Flexible Life & Location Options

People refer to high quality manufactured homes as “mobile” because they are factory-built and delivered. This process of securing the model for transportation does not necessarily restrict a manufactured home to the initial location. Manufactured homeowners have the flexible option of having the model lifted and transported. This strategy typically comes into play when buyers lease land for a period before buying a parcel. That differs from site-built homeowners who are tasked with selling their property and relocating to meet life changes.

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